Give the fish a chance!
Every year, thousands of well-intentioned anglers catch and release fish after carefully removing the hooks from fish's mouths. Conscientious hook removal, however, is not enough to guaranty survival. The fact of the matter is that fish hooks are breeding grounds for bacteria and infection. And, all too often, the released fish become infected from dirty hooks and their chances for long term survival are diminished.
To ensure a healthy, stress-free release, always apply antibacterial Fishaseptic to your fish's hook-wound as part of your catch and release routine. Doing so will not only give you peace of mind, it will give your fish the chance of survival that it deserves.
To ensure a healthy, stress-free release, always apply antibacterial Fishaseptic to your fish's hook-wound as part of your catch and release routine. Doing so will not only give you peace of mind, it will give your fish the chance of survival that it deserves.